delivers pre-qualified, highly-targeted traffic to our client sites. From our FREE Classical Listings (restrictions apply) to our Front Page Ads,
Premier Featured Sites and BidSpots, we can provide the high quality traffic webmasters desire.
Through FREYA Communications Webmaster Admininistration area, you can manage your own traffic generation and review your stats online.
Below are some of the Traffic Management Tools we offer.
- BidSpots offer the webmasters the opportunity to control the amount of traffic they receive.
Using our Webmaster Administration, you can select the amount you pay for each click.
The higher your bid, the better your "positioning" or placement on our websites.
Ask our Account Reps to show you how to get traffic for as little as 5 cents per click.
Featured Sites
- Featured Sites appear before all other listings on our sites.
They enjoy the enhancement of a thumbnail video, approved gif animation, or static image in addition to a larger site title,
a bold teaser tag line, and a brief description of the featured website to indicat their "Featured Site" status.
New Tags
- Listings with New Tags often receive as much as ten times the traffic of other inline listings. We offer webmasters the opportunity
to extend the duration of their New Tags for a nominal fee. New Tags are only available to new listings.
Updated Tags
- Listings with Updated Tags can receive up to five times the traffic of other inline listings.
Webmasters have the opportunity to extend the duration of their Updated Tags for a
nominal fee. Updated Tags are only available to listings once every 60 days.
Free Classical Listings
- appear in standard alphabetical order. Another great way to get your site noticed as our viewers scroll down the individual pages. After all these years, our Classical Listings still remain FREE.
Webmasters are welcome to submit websites to at any time. However, they must observe to the following restrictions:
All Free Classical Listings are required to have a Freya
approved reciprocal link
back to This link MUST be on the Index/Splash page of the site.
Websites promoting Video, DVD, Toys, or Underwear storefronts unless exclusively participating in
FREYA's Affiliate Programs
are prohibited. Independent studios and amateur lines are permitted as long as they do not resell commercially available products.
does not list other Link Lists, Directories, AVS (Adult Verification Service) or AEN (Adult Entertainment Network) Sites, Review Sites, Message Boards, Tube and/or bit-torrent sites in it's Directory.
Webmasters using multiple accounts of any kind to circumvent our Classical Listing limit will lose ALL Site Listings for a minimum of one (1) year.